Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Food to school for JL...02 March 2011

I attended a workshop last two weeks ago and got some tips on preparing food for JL. I modify by using Red Rice with Tuna fillings. The shape turned out ok but it breaks easily. Last weekend, we went and bought sushi rice, hopefully this week it would turn well…

AL also didn’t want to be left out and requested me to do for her too. So I prepared one for AL and 3 for JL on 2nd March 2011. I still have a lot to learn in making food for JL and the challenging part was to prepare food in the morning which would last till 3+pm for his break time. For this, JL would keep in the 'Anching' Centre fridge in the morning and I would give him 2 ice blocks to put in the freezer which he would pack together in his coolant bag before going to his afternoon school.
We have been working with JL on weekend to plan his whole week meal… I am still learning and learning from everyone…