Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothering Mother 2009 09May09

09May09 was the Day…. Mummy woke up in the morning remembering all the wonderful Mummies would be there….Mummy couldn’t make it...

Thanks to all the wonderful mummies who made time to spend time on Saturday morning.

Ros, sorry Mummy couldn’t be there...

Christene, very sorry that you need to run most of the errand because both Jeriel and Ariel were not feeling well and coincidently office were busy that Mummy couldn’t take any leave that week.

For updates do check
Christene’s blog and also Ros's blog. Upon reading Christene’s experience, this was the main reason why Mummy didn’t want to take any medical related courses even to attend medical assistant training school. Firstly, Mummy was not a bright student to be a Doctor and secondly, Mummy would not have the courage to see all the people especially kids/babies suffering in the hospital daily, it would break Mummy’s heart to see all these sufferings. Mummy had many respect to all those working in the medical related jobs.

Number of pledges
  1. Mama23beas: 5
  2. Moo Mommy: 10
  3. Lavender: 3
  4. Geok Hong: 2
  5. sofhib: 5
  6. Eydd: 10
  7. Charine: 5
  8. Christene: 5
  9. Chanel :5
  10. Lyza: 5 (at least)
  11. Eida: 5
  12. hui-wearn: 5
  13. Misha Paris's Mum - 5
  14. Jacss - 5
  15. Amy - 5
  16. Jessytai - 2
  17. Eve - 2
  18. Anggie - 3
  19. Michele Soo - 3
  20. Elaine - 5
  21. Hijackqueen - 2
  22. Pek Imm - 3
  23. WCP - 2
  24. NST - 2.5
  25. Sqkiki - 2
  26. Javapot - 6
  27. Lilian - 5
  28. Annieq - 3
  29. Adrine -5
  30. Wai Han - 1
  31. Redbabe - 1
  32. Eva Razali, Delliah, Liza Masrina and Ninuk – 10
  33. Sheryl Hen – 3
  34. JO-N : 5
  35. Vedis – 2
  36. Pohling – 2
  37. Shamira - 5
  38. Zainab - 4
  39. Inbha - 3
  40. Salmiah - 1
  41. Suzana - 1
  42. Nalini - 1
  43. Alina Grace - 3
  44. Suzette - 2
  45. chinnee - 3
  46. Arthur chu - 5
  47. GiddyTigerS - 5
  48. 5xmom - 5
  49. Elaine Lai - 3
  50. Janice Loke - 2.5
  51. Karen Yiau - 5
  52. motherly journal - 2
  53. Kerry - 3
total : 203

Volunteers at UMMC
  1. Ros
  2. Christene
  3. Salwa
  4. Montessorimum (Elaine)
  5. Sofhib
  6. Geok Hong
  7. Shamira
  8. Wai Han
  9. Wai Leng
  10. Suzette
  11. Pauline
  12. Gladys
  13. Ellena
All mummies, hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day last weekend and thanks soo much for all your contributions..


JK said...

Thank you Chanel and others who put in a lot of effort for this project to work.