Mummy knows that Mummy is not supposed to feel upset but just cannot help to feel soo sad…It has been pilling up for many months and Mummy hopes it will not get explode one day…Mummy is trying Mummy’s very best to control the feeling…Mummy hopes the reader will not get bored with all these whining and complaining….Mummy is sorry but Mummy needs to express out the burden in Mummy’s heart…..
Ariel will be 1 next Monday and Mummy is upset with her solid intake. When Mummy go around seeing other babies, some even younger than Ariel is taking solid soo well, Mummy cannot help to think how well Jeriel took his solid last time.
Some mummies try to comfort Mummy that different kids are different. Some even tell Mummy it will be easy, no need to headache cooking for Ariel, but then Mummy love to cook for Ariel like how Mummy cooked for Jeriel last time – packing the food when we go out and feed, it is such a joy.
Ariel loves to try new food and still on her ‘food sampling’ mode. After taking 2-5 mouths (average 3 mouths), she will close her mouth tightly and using her hands to push and hit the spoon, rejecting the food. She has no problem taking chunky food.
Is it because she is breastfed? The answer is No because other breastfeed babies have no problem with solid.
Mummy tries every tip given to Mummy but fail to increase her intake. At times, Mummy feels like giving up but then Mummy cannot give up.
She is very determined girl who willing to go hunger even we tried not to give her any breastmilk hoping she will give up and take in more solid.
Mummy is planning to slowly cut off the breastmilk pumping for daytime and just continue with night time direct feeding for reasons (will share later) even though Mummy is quite reluctant because the supply is still ok…..
What did Mummy do wrong?
Everyday Mummy will pray continuously that Ariel will improve in his solid intake so that Mummy can introduce a lot of food like how Mummy did for Jeriel KorKor. It can be a frustrating moment to feed her solid.

I guess all mommies if in your situation will react the same way as you did.....don't be too upset and grumpy when Ariel doesn't want to take solid food...as long as her intake is ok, just let it be lor.....if you can't get this off your mind, think of African baby who have to starve and no food to eat :P....
3-5 mouth is not bad . It is not a lot. But again it is better than nothing.I know some kid refused to eat proper solid ( like you said trying mode only) until there are about 3 y.o. The formula intake is much more higher than formula.
Maybe you need to offer Ariel smaller portion of food bt more frequently?
finger food will be great when she is ready.
so sorry chanel....u sounded like very depressed, but we can only offer a listening ear!! hope u won't give up trying with Ariel :(
from what i read, you have not only done nothing wrong but all the right thing. do take it easy and go with flow according to ariel's development.
as long as ariel is a happy and healthy baby, she is gonna grow up strong. don't overstress yourself 'k?
chanel, dont stress our urself like this la. i think its ok, as what other mummy said, each child is diff. in fact ur milk is good enuff, and slowly she will take solid food. perhaps try to give us our food a little bit when u are eating? try to tempt her?
my gal's schoolmate, 3 yrs old, drinks milk most of the time and hardly eat solid food. she is solid except that very petite only, but not skinny. she looks healthy though
Maybe try her on cereal with breastmilk.
chanel....u didnt do anything wrong.. just that ariel adapt differently...
dont be dismay ok... she will eventually makan.. :)
hey don't despair, maybe offer her more variety at different time so that she can take more?
As u say different baby is different, give her sometime ... Dont b too upset !!
Thanks for the tips….
We have been doing this..bit by bit…n frequent…
Just need to blah out to release tension……
I must to be more relax….Chanel, calm down…Thanks Lisa…
I plan to supplement once she is 1 because my job is getting demanding…
Ariel don’t like mushy food like cereal…
I am praying for the day she will eat more…..
Yup…plan all the variety food for her….
Anggie's Journal
Thanks Anggie for the encouragement….
Hi Chanel, don't be too upset. You are not alone. My girl is already 2.5 years old but she's still very picky on her food. Like Ariel, she only takes max 3-5 spoons of food. I used to get upset and even cut her milk/vitagen if she doesn't finish but to no avail. Tell you what, daddykhong even caned her once when she stores the food in her mouth for dunno-how-long. Worse, she even falls asleep a few times during lunch with food in her mouth somemore!!! Frankly, I give up edi. She will eat when she wants to. No point forcing. I resort to giving her a few spoons of rice only on her plate. As long as she finished that, I'm fine with it :) . If not, I leave it as it is.
Don't worry as long as she's healthy and still growing.
My neihbour's son who's 2 survived mainly on milk. He takes very little solid, and drink a lot of milk..
Just try a bigger variety and see if it's because of her dislike of the food you'd given or she dislikes solid totally.
Dun be upset! Kampateh, not easy to be a mom. May be mix wt breatmilk first wt very small portion of cereal.
But she look ok and healthy right?
Hi Chanel - Ariel sounds very much like Lucas when he started solids at 6 months. He hated all the types of baby cereal (Heinz).
He loves natural foods like:
- mashed ripe banana,
- steamed and mashed sweet potato,
- stewed pear,
- mashed potato with butter & milk,
- mashed ripe papaya
Later, my Mum boiled soft porridge mixed with Chinese-style soups (including soft veggies) and his favourite steamed pomfret.
Not sure if you've tried the above but hope it helps. I know how you feel when she rejects food.
I was ALWAYS worried about his feeding when he was 1-2 years old. Now that he's 3 years old, his repertoir of foods has expanded a lot that we can eat Western style foods :)
you make me feel better than I am not alone..thanks...
Zara's Mama
since she will be 1 next week, we start giving her a lot of variety since she should be able to take almost anything ...she will try 1-2 mouths then stop ...then just continue after a few minutes later with other food...
Moo mommy
she hate cereal....n mushy food...
then i have to be patient maybe she will eat more in later age...
she dont like tooo mushy food like porridge etc.. so we give her some chunky food...
wah so many ppl came and give u comments, i guess u should be fine now. Dun worry la.. i know some kid that doesn't take solid at all. only driink milk from newborn until 3 years old.
my kid alsolike that hate mushy food. So what i do, never cook the porridge using slow cooker. just cookit when it's meal time and turn the fire off once the porridge jadi. U know Teow chew porridge look loke bo? It's look like rice but soft texture.
chanel, u did not do anything wrong. let me share with you similar incidents experience by a friend and also my sis.
Jane (my friend)
her dotter is also breastfeed and refuse to take cereal/porridge. she was so worried as her dotter has been forced to wean from bm (coz nanny was fussy as she refuse solid). anyhow, she was wean from bm, but still not wanting cereal /porridge. only willing to take some formula. According to her doctor, it was perfectly alright as her weight gain is still within range. so no point forcing the child. now she is 2 and she eats like an elephant:)
2. My sis's dotter. U remember my sis's condition. At 1, Brenda still only solely feed with bm as she refuse all kinds of solid. She only started solid at about 2 after seperated from her mother. And she is perfectly fine now.
so no worry, yeah, chanel. i guess Ariel just need time to adjust and accept to solid.
take it easy, i think u worry too much, there r alot ,,,,REALLY ALOT of young children either refuses solid or refuses milk, my son onli really started to eat at 4!! since 1 he onli put the food in his mouth!
I guess different kids so develop differently. As long as Ariel is healthy, it should be fine. My niece is the same - she's 1.5yo, and survives mainly on milk, coz she hardly takes solids too.
Hope u're feeling much better now. I can u/std ur frustration n worries. As long as she's healthy n growing, TRY not to worry too much ya. :)
Wud like to wish Ariel a vy Happy 1st Birthday!
you are not alone, Chanel...My 3 yo girl still refuse to take rice and I was very unpleasant as she can't take outside food when we go out. So, ended up like my MIL said stay at home and cook porridge lorr... so, I sledom go out even I'm a SAHM who's suppose to have plenty of time (seems like, huh?).
Baby Z on the other hand eats almost everything but one thing I notice is I increase his volume when he started to crawl and active... not so much on breastmilk though even I really scare my bm will dry up one day. I can predict he will eat riceearlier than En En... so you see even it's not exactly like Ariel, but each babies does have own different type of feeding difficulties... it's not weird for Ariel still on food sampling portion, alright? Think positively, she got wide variety of taste though compare to my 3yo En En who's only take porridge, oats...
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