Monday, August 03, 2009

Warehouse- Hasbro

This was not a planned warehouse. Nowadays, we were selective on which warehouse to go because PaPa worked on Saturdays and also both the kids had enough toys for time being to keep them occupy.

Aunty Ita called on Saturday morning whether we wanted to get a big transformers selling from about normal price RM3XX to RM120. It did sound tempting but then, we preferred a smaller one easier for JL to bring around to play especially in the car. Besides that, to save storage space too.

Then, Sunday morning, PaPa said we will just drop by to have a look. Mummy told PaPa that we will not want to ‘camp’ there because this type of warehouse sales, we usually need to ‘camp’ there for many hours because the goods would be released slowly. We used to do that with other friends together where one group would take care of the toys plus the kids and the other group would grasp the good which is slowly release batch by batch. JL wanted two characters which were Incredible Hulk and a ‘bad person’ (which Mummy didn’t know the name). JL now loved Lego and Figuring/Characters a lot. The normal price was RM45 and now selling at RM12. However, due to principle again, because he had a lot of toys, we asked him to choose only one. It was a hard decision and at last JL chose Incredible Hulk. He had fun playing with it in the car.

As consumer, we needed to be aware the normal price of the items and this is to ensure we always get the best buy. This applied not only for toys but also in other item. Besides price, we needed to know whether the item was what needed to avoid unnecessary purchase and wastage.


michelle@mybabybay said...

I didn't know there is a Hasbro warehouse sale in KL. Cool!

chanelwong said...

michelle, quite often Hasbro has sales but now since othniel work on Sat hardly can go...we used to grap a lot of cheap transformer back then...