It had been a long time Mummy did not share about the kids. Work and home, both had been busy. The kids had been great and active, keeping both PaPa and Mummy busy all the time. A short update on the kids…
He had been active boy who needed activities to keep him occupied. When we went for any dinner like wedding and birthday dinner, we would make sure JL packed some coloring books and toys to keep him occupy.
He had been picking up some Mandarin and was talking Mandarin to his great grandmother (PohPoh’s Mummy) who was indeed so happy having her great grandchild speaking Mandarin to her.
His would usually be an angel to us by taking care of AL whom he adored a lot (geram…). He would also help up with grocery shopping by helping to tick the shopping list, keeping AL occupied in the trolley and also helped to manage the shopping bags. Yes, we tried as much as we could to use shopping bag as playing our part on recycling. We were trying as much as we could to be environmental friendly. Mummy needed to take some time to read up Green Study written by others and learnt from other people’s sharing.
At time when he acted up opposite especially when he tired or sleepy, he could create disaster to us with all his whining and shouting. Besides that, when he had nothing to do, he would also create trouble but doing all his stunts etc. AL would be fascinated and tried to join along...LOL…
AL’s solid had improved as compared to last time but not as good as his big brother. On Saturdays, Mummy would usually cook multi grains with legumes, lentils and vegetables using the small thermal pot which we got from credit card redemption cash voucher. JL loved it too that he requested me to cook more so that he could eat with AL too.
She had been busy walking and refused the stroller unless napping time.
Being a girl, didn’t mean she is gentle, for example, she would pushed a small chair to climb up to the adult dining chair, then she would continued to climb up to the dining table once she cleared off the dining table (pushed everything down to the floor).
AL still on 100% breast milk because Mummy needed to clear stock in the freezer which had balance about 200 oz. Mummy currently only pumped once a day which would be evening after coming back from work. So, now Mummy was able to wear dresses to office now since no pumping session in office.
AL loved JL a lot and she loved to imitate JL from food to stunts etc. almost everything…
Her favorite toys would be the cooking set. She loved playing with the kitchen set which JL got during his last birthday.
Her favorite words were PaPa (which really melted her PaPa’s heart and she was indeed PaPa’s daughter) and TaTa (which meant KorKor and JL loved it a lot). ‘Mummy’ would be the only word she had yet to pick up. So sad….
Taking care both of them could be stressful and tiring especially when Mummy was alone but it was a rewarding experience…PaPa would help up when he was around at home like bathing the kids etc. However, we enjoyed bringing the kids for outing and spending time at home...just four of us…
He had been active boy who needed activities to keep him occupied. When we went for any dinner like wedding and birthday dinner, we would make sure JL packed some coloring books and toys to keep him occupy.
He had been picking up some Mandarin and was talking Mandarin to his great grandmother (PohPoh’s Mummy) who was indeed so happy having her great grandchild speaking Mandarin to her.
His would usually be an angel to us by taking care of AL whom he adored a lot (geram…). He would also help up with grocery shopping by helping to tick the shopping list, keeping AL occupied in the trolley and also helped to manage the shopping bags. Yes, we tried as much as we could to use shopping bag as playing our part on recycling. We were trying as much as we could to be environmental friendly. Mummy needed to take some time to read up Green Study written by others and learnt from other people’s sharing.
At time when he acted up opposite especially when he tired or sleepy, he could create disaster to us with all his whining and shouting. Besides that, when he had nothing to do, he would also create trouble but doing all his stunts etc. AL would be fascinated and tried to join along...LOL…
AL’s solid had improved as compared to last time but not as good as his big brother. On Saturdays, Mummy would usually cook multi grains with legumes, lentils and vegetables using the small thermal pot which we got from credit card redemption cash voucher. JL loved it too that he requested me to cook more so that he could eat with AL too.
She had been busy walking and refused the stroller unless napping time.
Being a girl, didn’t mean she is gentle, for example, she would pushed a small chair to climb up to the adult dining chair, then she would continued to climb up to the dining table once she cleared off the dining table (pushed everything down to the floor).
AL still on 100% breast milk because Mummy needed to clear stock in the freezer which had balance about 200 oz. Mummy currently only pumped once a day which would be evening after coming back from work. So, now Mummy was able to wear dresses to office now since no pumping session in office.
AL loved JL a lot and she loved to imitate JL from food to stunts etc. almost everything…
Her favorite toys would be the cooking set. She loved playing with the kitchen set which JL got during his last birthday.
Her favorite words were PaPa (which really melted her PaPa’s heart and she was indeed PaPa’s daughter) and TaTa (which meant KorKor and JL loved it a lot). ‘Mummy’ would be the only word she had yet to pick up. So sad….
Taking care both of them could be stressful and tiring especially when Mummy was alone but it was a rewarding experience…PaPa would help up when he was around at home like bathing the kids etc. However, we enjoyed bringing the kids for outing and spending time at home...just four of us…
Brandon's favourite word is also "Papa"!
u have a helpful husband, some papa x like to take care of child
I'm surprised Jeriel still likes to eat kids' porridge. Do you put salt into your kids' food?
Bryan and Brandon's Mama
maybe they are alike with only 1 day difference...hi hi..
he has to help..cannot afford to pay people to do houseworks must do together...
Health Freak Mommy
at is totally zero in salt n sugar...
I was surprise Jeriel love it...also I didnt make tooo mushy because the vege are in cubes as Ariel dont like 100% mushy food...
Just a little while, they will grow up fast and it will be easier for you.
i never doubt Jeriel. he has been the angel to u and Ariel when i saw him helping u! great kid u have!
Ya, I agreed with HFM. My xandria is lacking interest on porridge.
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