Monday, January 10, 2011

JL’s snack

Mummy survived the 1st week of preparing JL’s snack for his school. Thanks to 2 books which Mummy bought since last year to get some ideas. However the challenge was to make sure the food stay fresh till 3.15pm which was his break time. Some of the food, Mummy would remind JL to put in the fridge when he arrived his ‘AnChing’ centre and put it into his Ben10 coolant bag (a Christmas gift by Aunty Ita which he loved it a lot) just before Aunty arrived to fetch him to school.

We discussed and negotiated with JL on the meals. We wanted to make sure it can be easily done (especially Mummy was not a good and creative cook) and JL would enjoy it rather than just packing for sake of packing thus wasting the food and effort. After working in many years in healthcare it jobs, somehow Mummy was trying Mummy’s best to make sure his food was as healthy as possible.

First Week (03-07Jan2011)
  •  Mon – Meat floss Bun (bought from Jusco) + Small Mandarin Oranges + Cucumber
  • Tues – Tuna with Wholemeal bread and Lettuce (made by PaPa) + Small Mandarin Oranges + Cucumber
  • Wed – Steamed Ham with Wholemeal bread and Lettuce + Cucumber + Zucchini
  • Thurs – Salad (Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Avocado, Steamed Ham, Hardboiled Egg, Cucumber & Zucchini) with Mayo (packed separately)
  • Fri – Fried rice with egg, ham and mixed vegetables with topping of fresh lettuce + cucumber + Zucchini.
As for this week, since it would be a full working week, we discussed with JL on Friday night on what he wanted for the whole week. That Friday night, we went to get some of the ingredients required. PaPa agreed to assist in preparation of the snack for JL. We also decided that we would make extra for PaPa and Mummy’s dinner on that day too.

For the first day, JL ate at the canteen which was super crowded.

Later, we found a nice airy place which was just behind his class and next to a nice garden. From that day onward, JL would go there to have his snack and also meeting up his kindy friends. One of his ex-kindy friends also was informed by his parents to meet JL there during breaktime. At least for a start, he had snack time partner.
Note: AL was very happy at last she was able to visit KorKor's big school on the last day (Friday 07Jan2011). After 1st week, parents were not allowed to be in school compound without the permission from security, She was very excited that she wanted to go into JL’s class.


Babysmooches said...

wow, you're really geng lah, can still manage to make nice snacks before rushing to work. great job!

jacss said...

oh my healthy lar!!!
i can't imagine my kids eating them, apart from fried rice & some sandwiches i think my boys would skip the rest like lettuce, cucumber, zuchinni, veggies ....
JL is such a good boy lar

keep it up chanel & welcome to bento, LOL :D