Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Follow-up from Endoscope

My follow-up after 7-days antibiotic (after endoscope) showed a positive sign. Even though it was not 100%, doctor said it was good enough. Instead of extending the antibiotic (which I heaved a deep sigh of relief), he gave me one month mild medication to ease the gassy stomach. With the one month medication, I would need to see him in one month time. The whole process could be categorized as one of the best diet pills because the antibiotics killed both the bacteria and also my appetite. On top of that with the gassy effect of the stomach, I had to totally cut down a lot of food especially traditional coffee (not Nescafe). It was a bad withdrawal because I usually take 1 hot cup of Kopi ‘O’. Hopefully, I could take a bit in future…