On 22June2011 was JL’s 1st Report Card Day. PaPa was in outstation and I took afternoon off. I decided to go early at 2pm which was one hour earlier to avoid jam at the school and also difficulty to get parking.
JL’s class teacher was nice to accept early parents before 3pm to collect the Report Card and let JL go off early.
His teacher commented that he cannot focus or concentrate long. He would gaze out of the window, playing with his eraser and day dreaming. She would need to keep calling JL to bring him back to the class. At time, she had to ask him to stand up while she was teaching in order to keep him focus and let him sit when he needed to start to do his work. Overall, his work and homework were ok. His teacher said he was almost being selected to be Class Monitor but due to this, other person was selected.
He got all As in all subjects including Oral and Lisan.
- His average is 97.9
- Class: 4/39
- Overall: 78/615
What amazes me was, a mother was sharing her child got average 91.6 and overall position was 345/615. So I wonder are kids getting smarter or exam questions are too easy or something wrong with the education system?
JL got his early reward which was KungFu panda movie during the last school holiday. However, PaPa and I agreed that we would reward him again for his overall result (haven’t decided yet…)
We even told him if he learns to focus and stop/reduce his daydreaming and during year end, his teacher informs us on his improvement on that part plus his year exam results, we would give him a reward.
Overall, again we emphasized that the most important is as long as he tried his BEST and be a good boy, that matters the most.
Well done boy… We are proud of you…
very good result indeed. should ask him what rewards he wants..who knows he has got something in mind?
97.9 is very very high achievement! Just imagine if he concentrate a bit more and he could be in his best already. Well done, JL. Now I can't wait to get Qiqi's this saturday !!!
Well done well done to JL .....
He daydreams in class n still get such good results. Well done, JL!
Good job JL! Yes, the important thing is to try your best. And I think it's because of the competitiveness that a kid who scored 90++ is at position 345. Still, it is a big psychological blow to the lil kid, I'd say.
Well done, Jeriel!
Without much concentration he is still able to achieve well.
Keep up the good work!
Well done Jeriel, he's very clever! OMG, total students in Std 2 is 600++?? THat's a lot man!!!
Eii... wat happened to my comment? I rmbr commenting a few days ago. :) Anyway, jes wanna Congratulate JL on his excellent results! Keep up the good work!
that's such a well done job jeriel! aunty feel proud of you too! but the numbering system is really kinda unnecessary!!
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