Thursday, May 02, 2019

29Apr2019 - New Colleagues New Friends

When I rejoined the current company as regional role, I met old friends and also I made new friends.

I was unable to join 'makan' gathering at office due to prior appointment.

I had this specially packed for me from a colleague who cooked this (you know who you are šŸ˜‰) for the gathering.

Truly blessed by friends who are caring and always think of me.

Michael W. Smith - Friends

Love to listen to his songs especially 'Friends' till now I have his CD in my car. Dedicated specially to all my friends wherever you are now.

Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
Can't believe the hopes He's granted
Means a chapter in your life is through
But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

With the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy you'll live in
Is the strength that now you show
But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong
(Repeat Chorus)

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends
No, a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends
Michael W. Smith Perform Friends At Bush 41 Funeral

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

EL's Piano Lesson via Whatsapp Video

It has been 7 months AL (since 01 Oct 2018)  is having her weekly piano lesson via whatsapp video with Teacher Isabel.
Few months ago, EL said she wanted to learn piano and insisted only Teacher Isabel šŸ™„. It will be pretty challenging because Teacher Isabel is not 100% familiar to guide her unlike AL whom she had some years face to face teaching before relocating.
So we decided to try out with AL helping up to teach. It has been 4 lessons EL having her lesson via whatsapp video with JieJie as Teacher Isabel's assistant onsite.
A few of my friends were like šŸ˜³.

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Muscle pain

Last week I took 2 days of medical leave... My whole body especially the upper part was aching and painful...
After seeing doctor,I was informed that I have injured my muscle causing the pain...There is no medication except taking time to heal...
I was banned to carry my notebook bag (there was not many things though...) and now I am pulling bulky notebook trolley bag...It is bulky but solid sturdy bag....Kinda of troublesome especially when there are steps.... Maybe I need to look for a smaller and better padded notebook bag pack....
Even though I have not 100% recovered but the pain now has reduced to shoulder and neck....

Past few days...I had applied Deep Relief Roll On and it helped to ease the pain almost whole day.... I got to be thankful for this so that I can continue doing my daily routine work...

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Dual egg yoke

I have seen a few times ppl sharing seeing dual egg yokes in one egg..
This morning, I witness myself when I break one kampung egg....

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


I have been hibernating for quite some time...
Moving from one job to another, trying to adjust all the different schedule.
I hope I can write more post .....

Saturday, July 23, 2016

JL - Journey in Music

He started during his kindy time keyboard and was supposed to move to piano once his fingers are stronger. However he realized he doesn't like this instrument but dare not tell us because he requested for music lesson. Being his parents we notice that...he stopped his lesson just before he enter Pri1 and coincidentally his music teacher Teacher Jin May Chua  migrated.She is a lovely teacher whom we still keep in touch occasionally

Later, for few years he requested for drum lesson but we said see first because we wanted to make sure this is serious and not just `hangat-hangat taik ayam`. However he never stop wishing for drum lesson...

It was unplanned when Melysa Soo-Hoo introduced me her joyful smiling student Isabel Tan Lyn Mey to be AL`s piano teacher...we found that she also teach drum lesson. Within 24 hours we reconfirm with JL if he still wants drum lesson and arrange the slot with teacher, he started his first lesson end of 2015 same time AL started her piano lesson with same teacher.

Our purpose for the kids to learn music as a form of therapy and relaxation...we hope they will use this skill as a tool of worship like how their Papa Othniel Lim using his self learn guitar to play for cell meeting worship... Teacher Isabel is indeed the teacher who is in sych with our wish. Exam will be secondary if they wish to take and ready to go for it...She is a music therapist. 

JL has only a drum pad which he uses as practising pad and he will have his lesson once a week in the music studio nearby. For those who have seen our apt, size is the issue to get him a drum...we hold on until we get a green light that he is ready to have one at home..

I am sure God will make a way both the right unit and financially. ...

Thursday, May 26, 2016


EL: Jiejie tie two pony tail for me ok?
AL: ok. Jiejie change your clothes first. Then tie hair for you.
AL Jiejie got herself and EL ready for church.

Reflection working in AmBank

Reflection of my previous job.. it was a short 7months but the experience was fantastic even though it was stressful n challenging. I have yet to recover fully from the stress even after leaving for almost two months. Did I regret joining the company? Nope coz I know God has His purpose to put me there and I have learnt to see at the positive side where I learnt and exposed to experience which is priceless in such a short period. Too many to mention....

Last Tuesday evening meeting ex colleagues in ISACA AGM was great. This short duration has developed into friendship.

Friends from Ambank, thank you for being part of my working experience (though it was a short duration) and continue to be my friends even after I left..

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kids' School Bag Corner

This was a project that both DH and I wanted to do for quite some time...
Staying in 800+sq ft apartment, we managed to get it up for our kids by sacrificing one piece of furniture...
Our belated new year gift for the kids....

Monday, December 28, 2015

JL's Menu 26Dec15

Our dinner by JL with AL's help.He decided the menu, prepared the ingredients, cooked and now cleaning up after dinner.The mashed potato is freshly made and not instant one...

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Seeing kids growing up.

JL, AL n EL are blessed to have Papa who sacrifices his career/corporate ladder. So that he doesn't miss seeing them grow up. Ttime is too precious n priceless which cannot be purchased using money...

Keeping a simple n contented life....

Sunday, July 05, 2015

My routine marketing....

Good is Sunday...I am sure a lot of my friends here go to wet market frequently. .

Why wet market? I can keep budget lower with some free small things like spring onion, cilantro, ginger, chillies etc and fresher thus can keep longer...

Going to wet market on weekend used to be a torturous weekend morning, I will drag myself out from bed. it is a routine habit, a must. From going to market at 9+am to 8+am, now I will wake up at 6am, be in market by 615am and arrive home by 7am to organize my marketing into the fridge and freezer. Why? I can park nearer, less people and less traffic in our mini kitchen while sorting coz all still in lala land...

I used to do weekly but now I manage to keep it to 2weeks once. Yes I need to go to car at least twice to keep the marketing stuffs..

DH will have to bear with the kitchen a bit messy in the morning because I will air dry the vege before storing into Tupperware in the fridge. All fish, meat n chicken are packed in Tupperware by portion to ease defrost process n labelled...

It is tiring for one weekend morning in every 2 weeks but it is very satisfying knowing our fridge+freezer are full and organized for our meals at home...

Most of the vege... Air drying...

Partial view of the freezer.....

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Play kitchen set

After clearing the playpen space, we moved the kitchen set from JL korkor's room to this space...

Now the girls can have fun without disturbing korkor... Tq korkor for not complaining having it in his room for few years...

How old is the kitchen set? Hmmm about 8yrs old.....

It was a gift for JL's 3rd or 4th birthday..over the years more appliances were added by us and also as birthday presents to JL n AL.... JL and AL used to play together... Now it is AL and EL playing together...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Kids Playpen ...

Tonite all 3 kids said bye bye to an old solid faithful playpen...the playpen was hand down from my ex colleague when JL was a baby back in 2004.

The playpen was a playing area for her 3 kids. Later to our 3 kids...
We added small colourful balls into the playpen and all 3 kids had fun....

Old stuff was made to last...

Now Papa is flattening down the playpen to hand it to the next family... We hope the new owner will enjoy having this playpen as much as we did..

Saturday, April 04, 2015

JL & AL baked bread using breadmaker

Let's hope no disaster in kitchen ... Both JL n AL are given the list of ingredients to bake butterscotch cranberries Hokkaido bread..

First they need to weigh each of the ingredients in a separate bowl. Next to place each ingredient by sequence in breadmaker - wet to dry. Last before we on the breadmaker mummy will put the yeast explaining that yeast to be placed on dry ingredients n away fr salt...

The result....

Saturday, March 28, 2015


This weekend everywhere will be jam n crowded..all rushing due to GST...
I am happy that I bought what my family need yesterday and this early morning to keep us at home family time this weekend. We cannot runaway fr GST so just need to face it sooner or later. Didn't really stock up things because no space in apt...just bought what is needed.... 

Happy weekend everyone....