It was an unexpected. It was all started on 20 July 2008 morning when Mummy experience stomach cramp like menstrual pain or like getting diarrhea. It was on and off. We still made it to church but then Mummy was not feeling comfortable to move and decided to rest in the car. Papa and Jeriel went to church. While Mummy was in the car, Mummy decided to sms gynae to ask for advice. He replied and asked Mummy to go to hospital to get check-up in case it was contractions.
Mummy waited until PaPa and Jeriel finished church. Then we went to collect cloth diaper from Ayesha for Tai Pak Leong (for Orion) and for baby too. Yar..went there first instead of hospital. Mummy wanted to go and visit Paik Ling in the hospital but instead Mummy had to go hospital. (Sorry Paik Ling, your baby’s gift was in the car booth that morning…). After that, Mummy supposed to go for Assam Laksa appointment at Vichelle’s house with Leoni and Sharon…(haiya miss it….)
When we arrived the hospital and went up to the labor ward for check-up, Mummy was hooked up on the machine about 11plus am Mummy was supposed to be on the machine for 30 minutes but instead less than that, the nurse said Mummy’s gynae was on the way because Mummy got contraction. Mummy asked whether can Mummy go back and admit later. Nurse said depends on the gynae. Gynae arrived in his casual clothes because it was Sunday. He did check and said, you crazy woman, he couldn’t let Mummy go back because Mummy was 6cm dilated. Gynae also refused to break the water bag because it would speed up the whole process. PaPa got to rush back to send JL home and collect Mummy’s hospital bag.
Mummy was changed into gown and put medication to clear the bowel. After clearing the bowel, Mummy felt the urge to push. Coincidently a nurse came in and quickly checked and found that Mummy was about 8-9cm. Then she started to scream outside nurse to call back gynae who actually went back home without realizing how fast Mummy going to dilate. Outside nurse tried to call PaPa to turn back to witness the arrival of delivery and even volunteer to babysit JL outside but it was too late.
In order to stop Mummy from pushing, Mummy was force to lie side way and was ask to breath in the gas non-stop to stop pushing. Wow, this really made Mummy drowsy and dizzy. The nurse was great because she encouraged Mummy and also massaged the back to ease the urge to push. Mummy had to ‘tahan’ almost like 4-5 was like such a long time. Then the gynae arrive and started to push. He had to do a small episiotomy because baby’s head was big. After 2-4 pushes, AL came out.
Mummy waited until PaPa and Jeriel finished church. Then we went to collect cloth diaper from Ayesha for Tai Pak Leong (for Orion) and for baby too. Yar..went there first instead of hospital. Mummy wanted to go and visit Paik Ling in the hospital but instead Mummy had to go hospital. (Sorry Paik Ling, your baby’s gift was in the car booth that morning…). After that, Mummy supposed to go for Assam Laksa appointment at Vichelle’s house with Leoni and Sharon…(haiya miss it….)
When we arrived the hospital and went up to the labor ward for check-up, Mummy was hooked up on the machine about 11plus am Mummy was supposed to be on the machine for 30 minutes but instead less than that, the nurse said Mummy’s gynae was on the way because Mummy got contraction. Mummy asked whether can Mummy go back and admit later. Nurse said depends on the gynae. Gynae arrived in his casual clothes because it was Sunday. He did check and said, you crazy woman, he couldn’t let Mummy go back because Mummy was 6cm dilated. Gynae also refused to break the water bag because it would speed up the whole process. PaPa got to rush back to send JL home and collect Mummy’s hospital bag.
Mummy was changed into gown and put medication to clear the bowel. After clearing the bowel, Mummy felt the urge to push. Coincidently a nurse came in and quickly checked and found that Mummy was about 8-9cm. Then she started to scream outside nurse to call back gynae who actually went back home without realizing how fast Mummy going to dilate. Outside nurse tried to call PaPa to turn back to witness the arrival of delivery and even volunteer to babysit JL outside but it was too late.
In order to stop Mummy from pushing, Mummy was force to lie side way and was ask to breath in the gas non-stop to stop pushing. Wow, this really made Mummy drowsy and dizzy. The nurse was great because she encouraged Mummy and also massaged the back to ease the urge to push. Mummy had to ‘tahan’ almost like 4-5 was like such a long time. Then the gynae arrive and started to push. He had to do a small episiotomy because baby’s head was big. After 2-4 pushes, AL came out.
She was 3.23kg and her birthday was 20 July 2008 at 12.18pm.

While delivering the placenta, the cord got snap off. Good thing the placenta was at the end that gynae managed to took it out without having to push Mummy to the surgery room.
PaPa received mms photo via handphone from Mummy. By the time PaPa was back to the delivery room, the gynae had left and the delivery room was already clean-up. Imagine how fast the whole process was.
Thanks Sharon for posting the announcement..also thanks Sue for helping Mummy to get the Bentong ginger (still owe you $$$), yar collected on 19 July 2008 (just one day before delivery)…
Will try to post more on how JL and AL gift exchange session and also a peek on JL’s hospital bag. How about Mummy’s breastfeeding and cloth diaper challenge? In short, PohPoh helped to cook for Mummy and other than that, the whole daytime, Mummy would be alone with Ariel and night time with PaPa’s help.

Proud KorKor with his Princess AL
Congrats again, Chanel! Wow... ur delivery was like such a breeze! Looks like Ariel's quite in a rush to meet the world. :)
it really a shock when i recv your sms!!! you didnt feel any pain at all when 6cm dilated? i was like in the hell even is 5cm dilated only!
salute you!!! and congrats!!
Congrats on the new arrival!! God bless your princess..
congratulations on the arrival of your princess!
congrats! ur labour reminded me of my 1st child :)
Congrats on a new addition to your family. Who does she look like?
congratulations! that was an easy birth!
Congrats!! Such a easy breezy delivery , just like my 2nd. :)
Hey, congratulations yah! My lil one's still comfy in the oven, hope she won't be late only :P
Have a good confinement. See you soon.
i love the photo of jeriel kissing baby ariel and the one he is holding your lil princess!
CONGRATULATIONS again on your new arrival and hope to see more photos of your darling ehhh :-)
hope you're enjoying your confinement and glad to know both mummy & daughter are healthy and safe...take a good rest!
and HAVE A BLESSED WEEKEND with your family :-)
YEs, congrate to you Chanel. I Was also shocked when I received your sms coz we were just chatting online the day before Ariel arrived and was wondering how soon she would be here... hahah! Looks like the delivery process also very fast... glad to know both of you are fine.
Congratulations again. Oh oh, too bad Papa didn't manage to witness the arrival of Ariel. She was too eager to come out. Hahaha.
Congrats Chanel! Papa sure so sad that he was not able to witness the born of little Ariel.
So, Othiel, Jeriel and Ariel, the names all ended with IEL :)
what a caring little kor kor Jeriel is. and good choice of name, Chanel, you got your name ending with "iel" after all.
And welcome to the world, little Ariel !!
Congrats to you Chanel & yr family!! Guess u r just so lucky... many mummies out there would be envy with such easy going delivery albeit a very unprepared one!! bet dady will be little upset not being able to witness the arrival, nvrmind long as baby healthy...3+kg is big!!
wow that was a super fast birth LOL. congrats and take care
Wow!! Chanel. Congrats:) Eh you ah, always early huh. Last time Jeriel supposed to be a week later than Brandon but end up coming out 1 week earlier than him:) I really salute u la for not having to use epidural..You really gung-ho ya.ha..ha..I really cannot la w/out epidural..mati lor I...hee..good rest ok. Give Ariel a kiss from me ok..muaakkss!!
hiya again, Chanel (we never get enough of the "hi"s)... am glad that everything was good for you. Truly a big blessing.. Ariel is such a sweet and lovely baby..
We can always do our assam laksa or the japanese lunch when you're back to work.
will come by soon to see you. buzz me if you need anything.
Congratulations Chanel & Family for your newborn!!!
Congrats to u .. so happy for this wonderful news la ... great name for lil princess ...
wow, what a fast process u have here ... aiyo .. good la, stress free ... no pain for long ...
Congrats Chanel. That was an extremely quick delivery. Lucky you, both your deliveries were easy. Take care.
Your delivery story so "chee-khek". Imagine all the flurry and excitement.
Congratulations nonetheless on the arrival of beautiful princess Ariel!
Congratulation! Hey, I am 1 days after you (Netherlands timing) but my baby is so much smaller, only 2.615kg. Enjoy your confinement. Enjoy breastfeeding!
It seems you have an easy delivery!!
Congratulation Chanel :D
Wow, while reading your post, I can imagine how speedy was everything. Glad that both baby and mommy are doing very good.
Congrats, Chanel and also to Jeriel...KorKor already.
May God bless little Ariel.
wow when i read also it sounded very fast heheh,,, congrats!!!
congrates!!! boom!!
congratz on the new born baby ! she's so cute in her big brother's arm.
Congrat's on your new arrival....she's a gem.
congrats Chanel!!! Haha I still laugh whenever I think that you were going to visit me then you yourself popped!!! You champion epidural!!
Congrats. Was waiting for your good news.Hehe
Congratulations on arrival of bb ariel !! happy confinement to u too!
congrats again Chanel. your lil princess is adorable :D
WOW...Ariel has got so much hair!
Congrats... rest 4 one week and got good news.. welcome the new baby 2 the world... Rest more and eat more as well... apa pun tak penting.. yang penting every body selamat.
From audrey
Congratulations again Chanel!
Take care!
Congrats on the arrival of your baby girl!
Happy confinement...
Congratulations on your growing family. All the best in your breastfeeding. :)
Congrats and happy to hear the arrival of Ariel..Praise God for the smooth delivery, great mama!! Dilated 6 cm and still can walk around...I am so amazed..
Will pay a visit when back to KL.
Cheers, Grace
Opps, may see a few similar comment as I didnt notice the approval thinging..I thought I didnt write or save thats y keep repeating it..
Pai seh..
Good nite and 'Jia You' for the milk tiring but is worth doing it
Congratulations on the speedy delivery! =D
I'm always amazed when mummies have such easy deliveries, mine was long, laborious, painful and full of drugs! =P
WOW super fast delivery! Congrats!
Wow, congrats.
What an easy delivery you had. Baby Ariel is sure a little princess, so cute.
oh mind...reading your post making me feel so 'kan cheong' as well. everything come so fast and i also start to worry if it will happen to me.
Anywhere, congrates!!! BAby Ariel is so adorable!
I'm so blur, didn't see your sms, and also was too busy to come and visit you here.
btw, can see some resemblance of Jerriel
I can imagine all the kelam kabut scene in the hospital. That is a quick one. Hope you have a smooth confinement. Take care.
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