1st Surprise
From cannot open, then just view the manual, at last on 22July09, JL could open his Lego. JL opened the box and was trying to fix up the pieces on our bed.
Why on PaPa and Mummy’s bed?This was to avoid AL from disturbing and destroying his masterpiece which he had to put a lot of effort to fix up.
It was a good thing that PaPa fixed a few bright fluorescent light bulbs in a few places in the apartment; living room, dining room and sleeping rooms. At least JL would need to strain his eyes to view the manual book on how to fix his Lego. It took him two nights to fix up because he needed to sleep for kindy the next morning.
2nd Surprise
We were looking for keyboard for JL because Sam Yee’s piano was a bit too hard for JL to practice. JL was not enjoying himself during his practice in Sam Yee’s apartment His music teacher said his motor skill (for his age) was still weak and it was not wise to make him upset and he might give up music out of frustration. 
From cannot open, then just view the manual, at last on 22July09, JL could open his Lego. JL opened the box and was trying to fix up the pieces on our bed.
Why on PaPa and Mummy’s bed?This was to avoid AL from disturbing and destroying his masterpiece which he had to put a lot of effort to fix up.
It was a good thing that PaPa fixed a few bright fluorescent light bulbs in a few places in the apartment; living room, dining room and sleeping rooms. At least JL would need to strain his eyes to view the manual book on how to fix his Lego. It took him two nights to fix up because he needed to sleep for kindy the next morning.
2nd Surprise

We were hunting and most shops were willing to give only maximum 10%. Thanks to Aunty Josephine we recommend us a place where we got 20%. PaPa called to order the week before and collected on 22July09 evening. Now at last JL had a keyboard to practice and he enjoyed it a lot. JL was smiling happily that night.
Doesn't you melt when you see them grin from ear to ear.
michelle...it does really...seeing them soo happy makes me really sooo happy...
It is glad to know that Jeriel enjoy playing piano :)....
Btw, I manage to find a website online selling LeGO, with 10% discount(as member) and then, if purchase above RM 250, delivery FOC....
p/s: just purchase several items:P
LEGO and keyboard! Remind me of my childhood... Jeriel is one lucky boy...
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