Friday, April 09, 2010

“No, No, No”

AL’s current favorite word would be NO. In addition, it compliment with some actions to emphasize more. Let’s see if Mummy would be able to write in word to explain the actions. Mummy should have taken some photos of her action.
First with her serious look, she would wave one of her hands left, right, left and right in front of her by saying “No,No,No” than followed by another hand with the same action and same phrase. Then when she saw that her message did not get through (for example we would laugh and ignore her), she would than fold her two arms up and said another “No,No,No” seriously showing that she really meant it.

After getting our attention, then she would start to laugh and laugh her cheeky laugh followed by running away. It would be even funnier if she made all the actions with hip hop clothing and music.

Where did she learn that? Hmmmm….


michelle@mybabybay said...

I would love to see her cheeky look.

slavemom said...

So u must take her seriously when she said "No". If not, all the actions will come out. hehehe

Health Freak Mommy said...

I think NO is one of many kids' first few favorite words. Mine too. That's because at this stage, we adults say NO to them all the time, hehe..

Moo Mummy said...

must be very chu bee....