Monday, November 29, 2010

JL’s Last Kindy Concert--14Nov2010

It would be JL’s last kindy concert as he would be going to Standard One in 2011. How time flies and our boy was no longer a baby anymore.

JL was given the opportunity with his friend VT to give speech in Bahasa Malaysia. It was a surprise from JL who had no sign of panic or stage fright. After many days and nights practicing with his teacher and with us at home, at last, we all could breathe sigh of relief. Everyone could sleep well now without having to take all natural sleep aid. JL practiced standing on the chair every night after memorizing 50% of the speech with some simple actions; it was nothing we could ask more to see him up there speaking with confidence. We were worried initially that he would get stress up with all the intense practice but he wanted to carry on despite having a tough time memorizing the speech. AL was supporting him by also pushing another chair next to her KorKor and practiced together.

Everyone was there to see his graduation, KongKong, PohPoh, MahMah, Yi Yee, Sam Yee and Sam Yee Cheong. JL was rewarded by us and also PohPoh for job well done with his speech. PaPa was with his Video Camera while Sam Yee Cheong was with our digital camera capturing every moment we could.

After speech and scroll giving event, JL sang in a choir and danced a Football Fever song.

Since it was a small kindy with limited students, the concert was a simple one with technical problem. The concert was not so fancy and grand like other kindergartens. On top of all the bad technical issues throughout the concert, we were contented that JL had all the guidance from his class teacher in preparing him for his Standard One in Chinese School. As both PaPa and Mummy were not a Mandarin speaking parents, JL spoke quite well in his mandarin and he could read mandarin better than his English. That was our main aim of changing JL to this small kindy which was also nearby to our apartment.

We hope JL have a great 4 years in his kindergarten life and he would be well equipped to move to next phase of his life.

JL, Happy Graduation …
We love you and all the best boy….


Anonymous said...

I just added your feed to my favorites. I really enjoy reading your posts.

slavemom said...

Well done, Jeriel, for giving the speech confidently n fluently. All the best in the 'big' schl. I'm sure he'll adapt jes fine.