Friday, May 20, 2011

AL’s Pink Room

A peak of AL’s room (previously Office cum Store room) from the entrance painted with Cotton Floss (Pink) paint.

A small basket to keep the entire remaining soft toy

The whole room is pink except the curtain and cupboard. AL requested for pink curtain and we would find a pink curtain later.

Behind the door is AL’s play area.

Last but not least, we got her this as her room ceiling light. Since, PaPa need to put a light in the newly set-up store room, we decided to get her a new ceiling light and PaPa transferred the old one to the store room. AL’s room has a wall fan which is fixed just above the room door.


mom2ashleyaidan said... each kid has their own room and own space! That's good. Where did you get the Hello Kitty bedsheets?

chinnee said... small and yet so nice. really keng la your planning!

mommy to chumsy said...

very cute. so she's a big fan of Hello Kitty huh?

chanelwong said...

dinah got it during sales in Jusco...

chinnee thanks..

barb she is a fan of pink pink...

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Tracy Lim

Wow, what a makeover for the rooms! Jeriel preferred his room to be in green colour? I thought boys like blue. The kids must be thrilled with their 'new rooms'. I like the ceiling lite in Ariel's room.

20May2011at 3:17pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Sheryl Hen

Nicely done! Good job! Where did you get the hello kitty beddings? Saw it in some departmental stores but quite pricey!

20May2011at 3:25pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Chanel Wong

Tracy Jeriel loves green… Both of them selected their own wall colour… Ariel love the ceiling lite…(you know where to view more photos…) . Each of them got their own space even though it is just a very small room…

Sheryl Thanks Sheryl….We got it during sales..I think it was at least 50% off.. Wait for sales… if not too pricey. Even the curtain also we didn’t buy because too pricey… We are thinking to buy pink cloth and sew ..DIY…

20May2011 at 3:30pm

chanelwong said...
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chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Sam Nai

I want to visit your house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

20May2011at 3:57pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Julie Ling

Fair and square. :)

20May2011at 4:00pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Rachel Toh

Ariel promoted to her own room dy?

20May2011at 4:27pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Chanel Wong

Sam apt lar..not house…

Julie Jeriel room bigger than Ariel….

Rachel yup..her own room

20May2011 at 4:49pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Sam Nai

-.-"" ... then I wanna to visit your home !!!

20May2011at 4:51pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Mel Heydenrych

Had a peak my friend! WOW! Actually love what you've done with the bookshelves!!!! And AL's room is beautiful! JL must be so proud of his room!!!! WELL DONE!!!!

20May2011at 4:56pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Yuet Leng

oh my gosh, dun let Jay Ann see the hello kitty bedsheet!!..

20May2011at 6:22pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Julie Ling

I was looking at the layout and design. More or less the same.

20May2011at 7:04pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Jaclyn Lai

i like the HK bedsheet........hehe

20May2011at 10:59pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Eng Ghee

Where did you get the frame of the bed? IKEA?

21May2011 at 9:23am

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Michelle Leong

I like the Hello Kitty light!

21May2011 at 12:14pm

chanelwong said...

fr Facebook Chanel Wong

Mel the bookshelves were just a simple DIY…

Yuet Leng har har…maybe you can use it to get her to sleep in her own room?

Julie almost the same..only Jeriel has space for study table and bookshelves..

Jac got it during sales…if not pricey….

Eng Ghee the bedframe got from IKEA I think in 2007 during sales and the bed was a discontinued item, so we got it at a discounted price. It is a double bunk bed which can also be separated to 2 beds.

Michelle all of us like the like too….

23May2011 at 8:18am

slavemom said...

So pink n girlie. Sweet! Ur kids r so independent. So young edi sleep on their own. My 2 monkeys, so big edi still refuse to sleep in their own room (sharing) altho I bot new beds n let them choose their bedsheet.

Anonymous said...

The room is so sweet. I am sure Al loves it very much. :)

Very good planning!

jacss said...

the room is so neat & the HK celing light is the one i like MOST :D good job!!