The entrance of the kids’ previous room, to go to JL’s room is to pass the new store room.
JL’s room sliding door painted using Mistral (Green) paint. The door has not been fixed with door knob yet. The sliding door slides between the gypsum walls.
A peak of JL’s room (previously part of the kids’ room) from the entrance painted with Guava Ice (Green) paint.
JL’s whole room is green (except the bed, curtain and study table) including the cupboard and wall light frame.
A small basket to keep the entire remaining soft toy and his mini workshop
PaPa joined multiple 3-tired boxed shelves together into big book shelves. This is also AL’s reading area because AL’s room is smaller and not enough space for bookshelves. I wish we can get nice covered bookshelves to keep the dust away (and of course it will look neater) but currently no budget. We try to make do with what we have.
JL’s study area using previously our office’s table
His foldable chair is usually folded and kept next to his study table
Another pending item besides his door knob is the ceiling fan (surprise…)
wow, great make over !!!
nice room. i like his mini workshop and AL's cooking station...hehehhe
oh you know...i saw some cute cloth curtain from 100 yen for covering the shelves. maybe you could check that out? not sure if daiso has them or not. or perhaps a cute shower curtain from ikea can be used to cover the shelves?
Thanks Anggie and Barb...
Barb... a bit difficult to hide because some books are bigger than the shelves...jotting out from the shelves...
fr Facebook Tracy Lim
Wow, what a makeover for the rooms! Jeriel preferred his room to be in green colour? I thought boys like blue. The kids must be thrilled with their 'new rooms'. I like the ceiling lite in Ariel's room.
20May2011 at 3:17pm
fr Facebook Chanel Wong
Tracy Jeriel loves green… Both of them selected their own wall colour… Ariel love the ceiling lite…(you know where to view more photos…) . Each of them got their own space even though it is just a very small room…
20May2011 at 3:30pm
fr Facebook Sam Nai
I want to visit your house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
20May2011at 3:57pm
fr Facebook Julie Ling
Fair and square. :)
20May2011at 4:00pm
fr Facebook Chanel Wong
Sam apt lar..not house…
Julie Jeriel room bigger than Ariel….
20May2011 at 4:49pm
fr Facebook Sam Nai
-.-"" ... then I wanna to visit your home !!!
20May2011at 4:51pm
fr Facebook Mel Heydenrych
Had a peak my friend! WOW! Actually love what you've done with the bookshelves!!!! And AL's room is beautiful! JL must be so proud of his room!!!! WELL DONE!!!!
20May2011at 4:56pm
fr Facebook Julie Ling
I was looking at the layout and design. More or less the same.
20May2011at 7:04pm
fr Facebook Eng Ghee
Where did you get the frame of the bed? IKEA?
21May2011 at 9:23am
fr Facebook Chanel Wong
Mel the bookshelves were just a simple DIY…
Julie almost the same..only Jeriel has space for study table and bookshelves..
Eng Ghee the bedframe got from IKEA I think in 2007 during sales and the bed was a discontinued item, so we got it at a discounted price. It is a double bunk bed which can also be separated to 2 beds.
23May2011 at 8:18am
So creative and looks really great!! So tidy unlike my house which is so messy :P You're so hardworking lah, FB comments also can copy and paste.
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