Saturday, May 19, 2012

JL’s Midyear Exam – Standard 2

JL completed his midyear exam one week ago. This year the gap for him to catch up was quite big. He was having trouble with BM and BC’s vocabulary. However, he has been extreme playful this year that his teachers from both’ anching’ and tuition commented that.
By last Friday, he got all his results.  He didn’t do well as expected and we hope he would take things more seriously. He was so playful that he made a lot of careless mistakes especially his Science which caused him to burn 12 marks. Yes, it was a very painful experience but this would be a good learning process for him.
There was a drop in his mandarin that his tuition teacher would be doing the post mortem to understand where his weakness was. As for other subjects, we already sat down and identified his weakness with him.  We negotiated with him that he would have to let go one of his activities (TKD or Basketball or Art) or let go of his television time. He willingly preferred to let go of his television time.
Next week, would be his report card day and we told him, as long as he take this as a learning process and look forward by putting effort, we will support him. We realized that it was a very challenging for him to study in Chinese school having both parents who speak zero mandarin.
Note: It was partly my fault for unable to help him much on the revision because of workload in office and was not feeling well during that period…. Sigh…


A Mom's Diary said...

When's report card day? I haven't gotten any notice yet wor.