Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Frustration and sadness

Mummy had been caught up with so many things (one after another) but the worst was on car issue which now making our plan to purchase a car further postponed.

We had been postponing upgrading our Aeroback to a sedan since 2006 thinking that we might get our number 2 in 2007 so that we would have a bigger booth to store things. After the
miscarriage and PaPa went into freelancing job, we further postpone our plan. Then we thought maybe we would try using the Aeroback when AL was born for time being and see how.

Our plan was to get a 3rd sedan car and passed our Kancil for KongKong to use while PaPa would continue using the Iswara Aeroback. However, we would not have enough down payment if we did not trade-in the Iswara Aeroback. Then we thought maybe just trade-in the Iswara Aeroback and a car for KongKong would be in future (dare not set our target when would it be...). This was our plan for 2010.

Then something happen (a very long long story which really upset Mummy a lot…) which caused us to further postpone again our plan.

Maybe Mummy needed to be a business plan writer just to plan to get a sedan car? Sigh, sigh…It was just to get a normal sedan car only and it was so hard to achieve. We dared not even plan for a 7-seater (MPV). Mummy appreciated all the comments given

Mummy had to try to look at the positive side and moved forward... Mummy got quite a number of posts to update especially on the kids and please be patient yar…As usually, always outdated…


LittleLamb said...

dont be sad ya..
take things easy n one at a time...

michelle@mybabybay said...

Don't get frustrated, I am sure everything will fall into place eventually. Just pray.

Eva's said...

yeah don't be sad mummy. Cheers!

Kit said...

I'm not sure what happened but hugs to you and hope things better soon...

Health Freak Mommy said...

Bad things do happen every now and then. Just be patient. Things will fall into place soon :)

chooi peng said...

i always said that, it is a bless as long as we have a car to use, especially when looking at those who carrying a baby on a motorcycle. we are much more better than them. new or old, big or small is doesn't matter.

chanelwong said...

feel much better now...Thanks...

Prayer does make me feel much better..Thanks...

Thanks a lot...

It is a long story which I am not sure how to write.....

Health Freak Mommy
Thanks soo much for the comforting encouragement...

chooi peng
Yup...totally agree with you.....