We thought 2011 will be our last renovation for the kids… However with JL asking whether we would be having another sibling, it took us some time to think and plan.
The only way was since JL’s room is a bit bigger than AL’s, the plan to make space would be to have both JL and AL’s current beds stack up as double bunk because their beds were originally stackable. The two beds would stack in JL’s room and for AL’s room, we would get a bunk bed which PaPa would modify to have the study table and book shelves on the lower bunk of the bed.
So the plan would be :--
If boy
1. Stack AL’s bed on JL’s bed in JL’s current room
2. JL would sleep on the top bunk and Baby#3 would sleep on the lower bunk with bed rail
3. AL would get a new bed which PaPa would modify later for her when she is big enough to sleep on the top bunk into top bunk bed+study table on the lower bunk
4. The boys would have to share the cupboard and study table
If girl – this will be more challenging
1. Repaint the room – JL’s current room from green to pink and vice versa on AL’s current room
2. Stack AL’s bed on JL’s bed in JL’s current room (which would be the girls’ room)
3. Temporary JL would sleep on the top bunk while AL on the lower bunk in the girls’ room (pink colour)
4. Baby#3 would sleep in AL’s current room (which would be already painted in green as JL’s future room) either on the cot (if we can find anyone giving away a baby cot because KorKor and JieJie’s babycot would be in KongKong and PohPoh’s apartment) or on a new single bed with bed rail.
5. When AL is big enough to sleep on the top bunk than JL would change place with Baby#3. PaPa would than modify the single bed to JL’s dream bed where he would sleep on top bunk and have his study table + book shelves at the bottom bunk.
6. The advantage would be Baby#3 would not distrurb KorKor and JieJie at night when she wakes up for her feeding especially during the first year.
7. However, JL had to ‘tahan’ sleeping in pink room…
With the last check-up gynae saying Baby#3 is a girl, PaPa has to plan for the big project…
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